Quiet Day: Deep Peace and High Anxiety “Pray, Love, Remember” - Quiet Day

With Deborah Smith Douglas

June 4, 2025

Time Details Check-in begins at 8:30am. The program begins at 9:30 AM and ends at 5pm.

Address: 46A Elm Street, Byfield, MA, USA

Program Cost: Fee includes program fee and lunch.

Registration Help: Laura Landry reservations@adelynrood.org or 978-462-1589 ext. 107

  • $200.00 – Price

We all live in what the poet W.H. Auden called the “age of anxiety.”  But we are also invited into the peace of God, a peace so radical that it “passes all understanding.”

How can we get from here to there? Without denying the power of what we fear, how can we learn to live in trust and hope?

This retreat uses Scripture and poetry, as well as insights from psychology and art and the lives of the saints, to explore ways we might loosen the grip of worry on our lives and enlarge our faith that we might hold our anxieties both more lightly and from a deeper place.



About the Leader

Deborah Smith Douglas

Deborah Smith Douglas is a spiritual director, retreat leader, and author whose work has appeared in such publications as Commonweal, Spiritual Life, Weavings, and Christianity and the Arts. With her husband, she co-authored Pilgrims in the Kingdom: Travels in Christian Britain, which is both a travel book and a series of spiritual reflections on places associated with people important to […]

Learn more about Deborah Smith Douglas